Sunday, August 19, 2007

Splash and Dash

I did an interesting race in Boulder on Aug 16. This is a weekly event held at the Boulder Reservoir. It consist of a 1500 meter swim and a 5k run. It is all quite casual. About 2-300 entries per week. Most people come right from work. Most drive, but many bike there. After checking in with registration, you just lay your gear out on the grass overlooking the reservoir. The swim is two loops and the run is an out and back around the reservoir. Most participants are quite good. Lot's of fit, young folks as you might expect.

While finishing my run, a woman caught up to me, and we were chatting. She was doing her cooldown lap after having finished the race who knows how long before me. We chatted about races we had done, and it turns out she had done numerous Ironman events, including Hawaii EIGHT times.

My time was 1:06 which got me a third place in the Social Security age group.


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