Monday, May 28, 2007

Road to Lake Placid - April - May

Spring training for Ironman began in Longmont in early April. While there, I was able to begin long bike rides (2 to 4 hours), plus started getting my running distances up. Got in a few 18 milers, and my long pre-marathon run of 22 miles.

We drove back to VA the last week in April, just in time for the Pikes Peek 10k. Since I am training for an Ironman, a 10k isn't much of a run, so I ran it twice, just for grins.

My training buddies, Rob and Chuck
were there for the full double too

The next leg of the LP training plan was the Potomac River Run Marathon. This was held in Alexandria, VA, going from Belle Haven to Mt. Vernon twice. The day was cool and windy (good weather for a Marathon) and the run was well managed with lots of support. My buddy Chuck and I both finished strong.

26.2 miles, 5:05, Silver Medal finish, hooorah!


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