Sunday, December 10, 2006

Skate ski's

We had a busy week of skiing, working out, and just plain having fun. The weather has been cold and clear. No new snow, but at least the old stuff is still around. They continue making snow where they can, and the grooming has made it fast.

After skiing, I usually go to the local health club for an afternoon of lifting, swimming and spinning. Like last year, the swimming is in a spring heated outdoor pool. It takes a few days to get used to going from the locker room to the pool in 10 degree weather. Occaisionally I can take a long run outside if the streets are clear and the weather cooperates. I got in an 8 miler on Friday.

And finally, I'm trying to learn to "skate ski". You might have seen this in the last winter olympics. It is a variant of cross country skiing. You use very light, thin ski's, and you propel yourself using a skating action and your poles. So far I have been able to fall repeatedly but have not mastered the technique of moving much faster than a slow walk. I will give it another try soon.


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