Ok, would you believe that while I was out for a training ride, a guy in a motorcycle pulls up beside me and challenges me to a race? And that although he pulled ahead, I caught up to him on a straight away, and then he stopped suddenly and I smashed into the back of his Harley? Would you believe it if I showed you my picture after the event?
Ok, ok, so you're not buying that huh? How about if I told you I was cruising along, fussing with my iPod, and I rammed into the back of a Harley stopped by the side of the road? After I picked myself up, the Harley driver (who was not touched), was all upset about whether I might have scratched the motorcycle. Turns out he was a repair tech, and was not supposed to be out on that bike, so all he cared about was whether he might have messed up a customer's bike.

Not surprisingly, the motorcycle was fine. Not so for the inattentive triathlete. Joani had to come and rescue me again, because my front wheel was flat, bent, and generally ruined. I had a gash in my leg, and seemed to have lost some of my chin. Fortunately the bleeding stopped by the time the Joani rescue service arrived. We packed up my bike, and I was able to drive myself to the local emergency room. They welcomed me back (I had visited in May for another training injury) and hustled me in.
My leg only required two stickes, but my chin needed four subcutaneous stitches, and fifteen (that's right, 15!) on the outside. They said my face may not longer be as photogenic as it once was, and that my hopes of starring in the next Indy Jones movie is probably not going to happen.

I'm happy to say, that me and my bike will recover. I pick up the bike this afternoon...I don't think I will heal quite as quickly.