Thursday, January 10, 2008

Summit County Ski Trip

I took my annual ski trip with my MIT buddies this week and we skied in Summit County, CO: Breckenridge and Copper Mountain. Gerry joined Mel and Neal this year, along with Neals son Darrin. There was fresh powder, great groomed runs, and lots of challenging terrain. (Click on the photo's here to enlarge them).

Yesterday we happened to come across a photo shoot outside the cafeteria at Copper Mountain. You don't see skimpily clad models out in the snow very often.

Today we skied the back bowls of Copper. We hiked to limited access terrain where the only way down was over a 90 degree (straight down) ridge. The ski patrol was controlling the area, and only allowing one skier down at a time. Mel, never one for following orders, jumped over the edge without ever getting in line. The ski patroller was not happy, and yelled Mel to a halt, and yelled reprimands his way. Mel couldn't hear a thing, so he caught his breath and rode right on out. I got down ok, despite my 360 degree flip near the end.

Later, Mel and I found ourselves at the top of a Super Pipe. I invited Mel to give it a try, but he chickened out. I dropped in and rode it to the bottom. When Mel got down, he informed me that there was a line of boarders waiting to ride the pipe, and I jumped ahead of them all. They did not have nice things to say about me. Boy's just gotta have their fun, don't you know!

Here's some video too:


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