Monday, March 24, 2008

Jase and gang head home :-(

Jase and the gang wrapped up their visit on Sunday. We were sad to see them go, but everyone had a great time and we look forward to next year.

By the end of the week, Brady had advanced from the kids beginner slope, level 1, to skiing the big mountain from the Thunderhead Lodge all the way down the Why Not trail to the bottom. Not bad for 5 days on the slopes. Reed honed his skills, and was skiing powder, trees, and jumps. He will be hard to catch in another year or two. Jordan continued her ski-less vacation with more snowshoeing, plus tubing, ice skating, and shopping. A great time was had by all.

Below is a video of some of the highlights from the visit:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Brady and friends arrive in Steamboat :-)

It's winter break here in Steamboat and the Golomb's have come back to visit. Brady is back in kids ski school, and he is doing fine. After class we take him up on the "real" mountain, and he aims down hill, and goes. He can't stop yet, so when he is ready to stop, he just drops to the ground, drags his butt, and sooner or later, he stops. He is a bold child.

Reed will take a lesson or two, but he mostly ski's with the grownups. Jock that he is, he can ski all the green's (easiest), all the blue's (medium hard) he has tried, and some of the blacks.

Jordan is injured with a broken wrist. She and I have been snow shoeing which is working out just fine. She is also learning how to edit computer video, and we will share some of her work later in the week.

Good snow conditions so far.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Buddy Werner shrinks

Snow does funny things out here. Compare Buddy (the statue) standing next to Joani in March 2008, to Buddy standing next to Kris, Jordan and Reed a year earlier.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bonus Powder day in March

We've had a great winter here in Steamboat. But come March, and it usually starts to warm up, so you can't expect the snow to be quite as good as it was in January. But this week we got lucky and caught a cold snowstorm, and that means light, fluffy powder! We got 22 inches over the weekend, and we took advantage. Here's some more video of our powder adventures: