Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Deep winter

We are in deep winter here in Steamboat. It snows even when it's not in the forecast. We got 6 inches of new snow last night by surprise. Lucky us. The skiing today was great. The "tree lady", Joani, took me through all sorts of trees, with lots of deep powder everwhere.

The picture on this page is the mountain at dusk. In the Most Recent photo's check out Steamboat's outdoor pool and water slide. Note how our lifeguards dress. Also, see my newly discovered running trail...with 5 foot snow walls.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Back in Steamboat

I finally got back to Steamboat after two weeks back in the world. I was welcomed by Joani (of course) and Charley and Josephine. While they are a bit too young to ski, Charley and Chuck did some sledding and Charley and Gramma rode the GonDOLA. More pictures up on Most Recent.

I got back on my skis today. I reluctantly admit that it was harder than I expected. I guess I'll have to work at it again.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow in DC area

Well, by my count, it has not snowed in Steamboat for a full week. But, it snowed back east, where I happened to be. Lucky me. I had a busy week with grandchildren...two basketball games (the Wizards and the George Mason Patriots), mucho babysitting :-), card games, story reading, superbowl watching, winter olympics, and playing in the snow...what more could I want? Even got to watch Jase play hockey.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Wow! That was really cool, knowing I lived thru it

So I'm flying down Rolex, a black diamond run, and I'm thinking, "I'm am really flying down this nicely groomed hill". The bottom is coming into view and I think to myself that I'll just keep up my speed and zoom right to the lift line...Mr. Cool.

Overconfidence is not a good thing on the ski slope. Next thing I know, I am losing control, flying thru the air, hitting the snow flat on my back, and discovering that I am not in pain...whew! You cannot really remember a fall like that, but the picture on the right shows that one ski is stuck into the snow, tip up. The only way that could happen is if I did a 360, dug my ski in, ripped out of the ski's and continued head over heel to land on my back.

Well, you know what they pain, no gain. I'm fine so I guess I didn't get much out of that little episode.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sampling a bottle of fine Steamboat Whine

Today was another typical day in Steamboat. It was snowing and the runs were freshly groomed and lightening fast. Joani, Carole and I were at the top of One O'Clock when the chatterboxes began to whine about the large crowds who were out skiing today. They jabbered away, while I skied away. Halfway down, I stopped and snapped the picture on the right. Do you see the crowds? Looks like only Joani and Carole to me. This is Steamboat Whining.

Check out "Most Recent" pictures on the Blogsite @ I put up recent pics from our visit to Longmont.