Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fri Jan 13: These boots are made for skiing

I picked up new boots on Thursday and tried them out on Friday. New ski boots are as uncomfortable as they look when you first wear them. It's kinda like putting on a well fitting, hard plastic shoe, and then buckling it down so it is one or two sizes smaller. Quite painful.

After a day or so, however, they are tolerable and snug boots give you better control over the ski's. And THAT is the name of the game.


At 3:39 PM, Blogger TriMan said...

My "old" boots dated from the pre-"Steamboat as second home" era. They were so old they were made of leather. They were so old and worn in, I could crack my toes while wearing them.

Yes, I needed new boots, if you must know.


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