Wednesday, December 07, 2005

First snow for HG

I went out for my first run today. It was bright sunny and very cold. It was so cold, that my skis froze to the snow as I tried to ski down to the Gondola. I had to walk embarassing. Apparently, if it is cold enough, and if your skis are warm (as mine were), ice can form on the bottom of the ski and freeze solid. The ice sticks to the ski and unless you are on a very steep hill, you can't slide the ski. Life is tough out here.

I made a few runs, stopped for cocoa a couple of times and called it a successful day.

I've posted more on the images to the right.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger TriMan said...

OK Son of Triman, I accept your assignment and will figure out if we can generate alerts or do an RSS feed.


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